Text version of Meet the superclusters
Meet the superclusters:
When small, medium-sized and large companies, academic institutions and not-for-profit organizations come together to generate bold ideas, Canadians benefit from more well-paying jobs, groundbreaking research and a world-leading innovation economy that creates global market leaders.
That's why the Government of Canada challenged Canadian businesses of all sizes to collaborate with other innovation actors, including post-secondary and research institutions, to propose bold and ambitious strategies that would transform regional innovation ecosystems and develop job-creating superclusters of innovation, like Silicon Valley.
The investment of up to $950 million, which will be matched dollar for dollar by the private sector, is expected to create more than 50,000 jobs over ten years and grow Canada's GDP
Benefits of superclusters:
Meet the superclusters:
"It is an exciting and historic time for innovation in Canada. The Digital Technology Supercluster is a generational opportunity—one that holds significant promise for companies in B.C. and across Canada. Now the important work begins."
- Bill Tam, Co-chair, Canada's Digital Technology Supercluster consortium
"It speaks volumes about what can happen when you get not-for-profits, academic institutions and the private sector collaborating. It is really going to give us an amazing opportunity to highlight many of the amazing companies we have in the Kitchener and Waterloo Region."
- Berry Vrbanovic, Mayor of Kitchener
"By establishing better links amongst large ocean-based companies along with smaller ocean technology partners, this collaboration will increase investment in innovation and accelerate the adoption of cutting-edge technology in Canada's ocean industries."
- Dr. David MaGee, Acting Vice-President of Research, University of New Brunswick
"This is a region that is already expanding and growing with advanced manufacturing. It will bring tangible economic benefits to industry, to research and generally to the quality of life in Hamilton and the broader region."
- Dr. Patrick Deane, President, McMaster University
"It's people working together on these issues, not competing with each other, so it is a true collaboration of Atlantic Canadian entities."
- Mike Savage, Mayor of Halifax
"Protein is what the world is demanding today. When we look at growth in population and rising incomes in Asia, I want us to have an opportunity to take advantage of $33 trillion in middle-class spending growth in Asia."
- Murad Al-Katib, President and CEO, AGT Food and Ingredients
"This has huge implications for the western Canadian economy. Farmers, service companies, value-added processors, academic institutions, consumers and—through spinoff benefits—everyone on the prairies and throughout Canada will stand to benefit."
- Frank Hart, Board Chair, Protein Industries Canada
"These advanced chains will enable our manufacturing industry as well as the retail sector to automatically predict customer demand and customize the products they offer."
- The Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montréal
[The creation of the SCALE.AI Supercluster would consolidate Quebec's position as] "a world-recognized leader in artificial intelligence and would enable the development of innovative supply chains that will give our businesses ways of becoming even more competitive."
- The Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montréal